The types of roofing materials define the shape, style, and durability of a building. Therefore, choosing the proper roof type for your home is essential, depending on location, environment, and budget. There are several types of roofs that you can choose from, which include flat roofs, sloping roofs, dome roofs, curved roofs, and gable roofs.
Flat Roof
A flat roof is one with a low slope or no slope at all. This type of roof is ideal for areas where it rains infrequently. Flat roofs are less expensive than sloped roofs because they require less material and lower insulation value. They are commonly found on commercial buildings and homes made from concrete, gravel, and tar. Although considered durable, they need regular maintenance to prevent leakage problems caused by algae growth and moss growing on the roof surface.
Sloping Roofs
A sloping roof has a gentle slope, usually 7 or 12 inches rise per foot of horizontal run. This type of roof allows water to run off efficiently, especially during an intense downpour. If you live in an area that rains frequently, then this type of roofing material is ideal. These types of roofs are solid but heavy and may require you to add extra support for your home’s foundation once they’re installed.
Curved Roof
A curved roof is built with a gentle rise that bends round in the shape of a dome or an arch. We find these in cathedrals and domes where the height must increase smoothly from one end to another without interruption. They don’t need complicated framing.
Gable Roofs
A Gable roof has two sloping planes meeting overhead to form a triangular section. These types of roofs have vertical surfaces on all sides, which provide an attic space inside. Hence they are often used for attics and garages. You can make these using various materials such as asphalt shingles, wood shingles, or metal sheets.
Whatever your roof type maybe, you know who to turn to whenever it needs repair.
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